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What is Fulvic Acid? | Expert Insights & Usage Tips

Discover the benefits of fulvic acid according to experts and personal experiences. Find out more about this miracle molecule and how it can improve your health

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Fulvic acid is a relatively unknown substance. It is a component of humus, which forms during the digestion of plants by microorganisms. Fulvic acid is a special substance with many positive effects on the health of humans, animals, and plants. When you dissolve a few drops in water, the water becomes dark in color, almost black. Black Water is a popular health drink in the US for good reason. But by adding a few drops yourself, you can make the benefits much more potent, avoid falling for a marketing story, and save some money. You can create your own black health gold!

What makes fulvic acid interesting—and perhaps why you haven't heard of it before—is that it has been impossible to produce a synthetic version so far. The molecule cannot be replicated. Mother Nature once again provides a fantastic product that cannot be matched. Fulvic acid is rightfully nicknamed Nature’s Miracle Molecule.

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Plant residues are digested by microorganisms, converting them into humus consisting of three components: humin, humic acid, and fulvic acid. During the same digestion process, the nutrient building blocks are broken down into soluble particles that bind to the fulvic acid. When it comes to fulvic acid, it's actually about the fulvic acid molecule plus the ionized trace elements, minerals, and other nutrients.

Fulvic acid originates from the soil. Microorganisms digest plants in an oxygen-rich environment, creating fulvic acid. SMPL's fulvic acid was formed over thirty million years ago from plants that served as food for new plants. This process continued for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, resulting in thick layers of humus. The soil was rich in all essential nutrients (compare with how it is now, see the studies of the World Health Organization). Nutrients were made optimally absorbable for plants thanks to microorganisms. The process only occurred where there was sufficient oxygen; in other places, plant residues ended up under a thick, heavy layer of earth material due to landslides, creating crude oil under high pressure, for example.


Fulvic acid transports nutrients directly into the cell and can also directly remove toxic substances, acting as both a garbage collector and a mailman.

Fulvic Acid as a Garbage Collector: It binds toxins and heavy metals. Fulvic acid is a powerful detoxifying agent, which in times like these, with all the toxins in our environment, is an essential part of our diet. Fulvic acid is capable of binding to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, barium, and thallium, and then removing them from the body. Toxic substances are thoroughly and very effectively removed by fulvic acid, making it a highly sought-after and unique dietary supplement.

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The world around us has become so polluted with pesticides, and people use so much medication that if you don't detox daily, you're heading straight for an early death due to various lifestyle diseases. Even if you have a healthy lifestyle, you still can't prevent yourself from ingesting toxic substances. Stress adds a significant amount of mental stress due to our Western lifestyle. This lifestyle results in our bodies developing toxic substances and an unhealthy metabolism. Therefore, a substance like fulvic acid is absolutely necessary.

Fulvic Acid as the Mailman: It delivers nutrients into the cell. In addition to its strong detoxifying qualities, fulvic acid has another remarkable quality: it strongly stimulates and supports the absorption of minerals in the body. In other words, fulvic acid transports nutrients directly into the cell. Because it happens in the cell. Energy is produced in the cell, proteins and enzymes are produced, and all other substances the cell needs are produced.

Sometimes studies mention blood uptake, but that's not relevant. It's about cellular uptake. Thanks to its structure and being a very small molecule, fulvic acid can easily pass through the cell wall and enter the cell. Inside the cell, it releases the nutrients that are directly available for cellular metabolic processes.


Our vegetables and fruits no longer contain the minerals and vitamins we need daily. Our vegetables have become empty. Fulvic acid compensates for our poor food quality.

Even if you eat organically, you don't get enough. Organic farmers do not enrich the soil with minerals and fulvic acid, but they mainly avoid using pesticides, which is a significant step, but not enough. The basis of rich vegetables is the soil on which they are grown.

Fulvic acid is missing in our food due to modern agricultural techniques. Unfortunately, the importance of microorganisms for agriculture is still not fully recognized. Toxins used in industrial agriculture kill microorganisms. This upsets the healthy organic balance and causes the fulvic acid-producing organisms to disappear. Pesticides kill insects and fulvic acid-producing microorganisms.

We frustrate the soil and make it sterile. Agriculture has become essentially exploitative. Because agricultural land loses important nutrients. The result is a seemingly good harvest on the surface, but with a massive decrease in the amount of essential nutrients.

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Every human being, young and old, can benefit from fulvic acid. Especially pregnant women and young children need a lot of minerals and trace elements. It also provides strength and vitality in old age. Fulvic acid is like a good life insurance policy. After all, old age is full of diseases.

Animals and plants also need a lot of fulvic acid. They receive hardly any because of industrial agriculture. Even organic farmers know little about the power of fulvic acid. Fulvic acid does what it says. That is why it is so popular in Asia, especially in Japan and China. It is not for nothing that SMPL's fulvic acid is top-quality. It comes from the American Great Lakes region.


Fulvic acid can be consumed in various ways, depending on personal preference and the specific product. Here are some common methods:

  1. Diluting in Water: One of the simplest ways to consume fulvic acid is by diluting it in water. A few drops of fulvic acid solution can be added to a glass of water and consumed daily. This method allows for easy absorption and assimilation into the body.
  2. Mixing with Beverages: Fulvic acid can also be mixed with other beverages such as juice or smoothies. Adding it to your favorite drink can mask any strong taste that fulvic acid may have, making it more palatable for some individuals.
  3. Taking Capsules or Tablets: Some fulvic acid supplements come in the form of capsules or tablets, which can be taken orally with water. This method provides a convenient way to consume fulvic acid, especially for those who prefer not to deal with liquid supplements.
  4. Topical Application: Fulvic acid can also be applied topically to the skin. It is believed to have benefits for the skin, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Fulvic acid creams or serums are available for this purpose.
  5. Agricultural Use: In addition to its use as a dietary supplement, fulvic acid is also used in agriculture to improve soil health and plant growth. It can be applied directly to the soil or sprayed onto plants as a foliar feed
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Fulvic acid has been studied for its potential health benefits, although more research is needed to fully understand its effects. Some of the reported benefits of fulvic acid include:

Improved Nutrient Absorption: Fulvic acid is thought to enhance the absorption and utilization of nutrients in the body, including minerals and trace elements.

Detoxification: Fulvic acid has been shown to have detoxifying properties, helping to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body.Anti-inflammatory: Fulvic acid may have anti-inflammatory effects, which could help reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Antioxidant: Fulvic acid is a potent antioxidant, meaning it can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Enhanced Energy: Some people report feeling more energized and alert after taking fulvic acid supplements, although individual responses may vary.Skin Health: Fulvic acid has been used in skincare products for its potential benefits for the skin, including improved hydration and anti-aging effects.


Fulvic acid is a unique substance with many potential health benefits. It is found naturally in soil and can be consumed as a dietary supplement to support overall health and well-being. Whether you're looking to improve nutrient absorption, detoxify your body, or enhance your energy levels, fulvic acid may be worth considering as part of your daily routine. As with any supplement, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding fulvic acid to your regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

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Axe, d. (sd). ‍Cornejo ‍A1, ‍J. ‍J. ‍(sd). ‍ ‍‍ ‍Joonй ‍GK1, ‍D. ‍J. ‍(sd). ‍ ‍‍ ‍Wikipedia ‍‍ ‍Yamada ‍P1, ‍I. ‍H. ‍(sd). ‍ ‍‍

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